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Functional Analyst



As a senior Functional Analyst with proven experience in bank and insurance, you have over 5 years of experience in managing the functional design of information systems :

• You create the concept and manage the planning for preliminary analysis and design phase;
• You perform the functional analysis of information systems and draw up the functional design after the prestudy;
• You support changes and enhancements from development through production;
• You recommend and implement system enhancements;
• You develop new program requirements and specifications to support specific customer needs;
• You support system upgrades and resolve problems with current systems;
• You analyse service requests to determine feasibility, technological changes, resource requirements and project time estimates.

For more details, please check the attached PDF-file.

50% Leuven, 50% remote
Duur opdracht: 
Long term (+12 months)

Job formulier

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