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Project Leader Digital Track - P24-414



AG Insurance is migrating his contact center telephony platform towards Genesys cloud. Supported by an integrator for the first pilot phases, different Business & IT teams are involved in this project.
Our Digital Servicing department (IT department belonging to Customer Digital Foundations division -
CDF) is taking in charge several aspects:
• Building several components around Genesys platform e.g. a communication panel, user interface built on top of Genesys platform targeting Contact Centers agents & supervisors, Data extraction flows, integration with Azure Speech Services, etc.
• Follow-up Contact Centers migration impacts on Microsoft Dynamics assets (Case management & Workbench)
• Progressively take ownership on Genesys Contact Center foundations (guidelines, building blocks, deployment/release management, etc.)
• Support CDF team that will take in charge progressively the design & configuration of the Genesys Call flows

This migration project started beginning of this year with a first Contact Center migration in May and will continue until Mid-2025. Within context of this program, we are looking for an IT project leader to follow up specifically our Digital Servicing projects & deliverables.

Voor meer details, zie bijgevoegd PDF-document.

3d thuiswerk, 2d Brussel
Duur opdracht: 
Lange termijn (+12 maand)

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